Tuesday, February 16, 2021
Mephibosheth: A Picture of Grace
Tuesday, June 5, 2012
Today with Christianity, it's "About Me" and no longer about Him. A religious christian knows nothing about Theology (bible doctrine), but can sing you the latest praise song. Don't dare asked what the Scripture says or means, the only answer you will get, "Here's what it means to me." You won't hear "Thus Says the Lord", but only a philosophy.
Christianity is not a religion but a RELATIONSHIP with God. Our life service (worship) is to Present ourselves as a Living Sacrifice to God (Rom. 12:1). Our goal is to Know Christ and to become like Him (Philp. 3:7-11), to be Transformed (Rom. 12:2) and to be a Worker for God, who is not ashamed, through the diligent Study of God Word (II Tim. 2:15). In every way our life should be a reflection of Christ (Gal.5:22).
What Faith Is Not:
1. A mystical force.
2. Positive thinking.
3. Following a hunch.
4. A feeling of optimism.
5. Hoping for the best.
6. A mental conviction.
Webster defines faith as an unquestioning belief that does not require proof or evidence.
Faith from a biblical perspective is belief, confidence in the Person and or in the Word of God. It can refer to saving faith (at the moment of salvation), christian doctrine (The Faith) or to daily reliance, trust, and rest in the Lord.
A Description of Faith (Heb. 11:1-3):
1. Substance- Solid ground! "We are not walking on eggshells or pudding. We are standing upon the Solid Rock." (Adrain Rogers)
2. Evidence - Proof of unseen reality.
3. Understanding. "Faith goes beyond what we can perceive with our physical senses, so it does not work by the rules of science. Faith allows us to believe that the invisible God can do what is physically impossible." (Bible Study Guides.org)
Faith Is What We Don't See!
"The fundamental fact of existence is that this trust in God, this faith, is the firm foundation under everything that makes life worth living. It's our handle on what we can't see. The act of faith is what distinguished our ancestors, set them above the crowd. By faith, we see the world called into existence by God's word, what we see created by what we don't see." (Heb. 11:1-3, The Message by Eugene Peterson)
Faith Is Spiritual Sight
"We do not look at the things which are seen, but at the things which are not seen. For the things which are seen are temporary, but the things which are not seen are eternal....We walk by faith, and not by sight." (II Cor. 4:18; 5:7) It is not walking blindly in the dark, but a step into the light!!
Faith Is Pleasing To God
"Without faith it is impossible to please Him, for he who comes to God must believe that He is, and that He is a rewarder of those who diligently seek Him." (Heb. 11:6)
Faith Is Action
Hebrews 11 is know as "The Hall of Faith." It reveals that faith, in order to be valid, must act. By faith Abel “offered” a sacrifice (v. 4), Noah “prepared” an ark (v. 7), and Abraham “obeyed” the Lord (v. 8). Faith, divorced from works (obedience), is dead (Jas. 2:26).
Faith Comes By Hearing
"Faith comes by hearing, and hearing by the Word of God." (Rom. 10:17) To grow our faith, we must read and study the Scriptures. Through them we gain knowledge and our faith increases.
Saturday, April 3, 2010
The Hope of Resurrection (I Corinthians 15)

One thing is for sure, all of us have an appointment with death (Heb. 9:27). Our life is like a "vapor" that appears for a little while and poof it "vanishes away" (James 4:14). There's just no way to cheat it. Scripture states, death entered the world through one man's (disobedience) sin, Adam and because of him, death spreads to all men, because all of us, like Adam our father, are sinners (I Cor. 15:21; Rom. 5:12). The "grave" and "sting of death" are morbid thoughts....Our bodies will be separated from life and be buried in the ground. Death is an ending of life and then we must face God's judgement.
Paul begins with the gospel...The Good News!! "Christ died for our sins (on the cross) according to the Scriptures, and that He was buried and that He arose again (came back to life) the third day according to the Scriptures" (I Cor. 15:1-4). Then he states that Christ was "seen" alive by Peter, James , the Apostles, and over five hundred believers at one time. Last of all, Paul exclaims, "He was seen by me" (I Cor. 15: 5-8). This is what we believed and have placed our trust in, the gospel (I Cor. 15:11; Rom. 10:9).
Imagine all the preaching over the years and all those who have professed faith in Christ and have died with the hope of eternal life. If all the stories of Jesus and His resurrection are a total fabrication..."Our preaching (of the gospel) is vain and your faith is also vain (nothing to stand on). Those who have fallen asleep (with a false hope) in Christ have perished. If in this life only we have (this made up) hope in Christ (that He is alive), we are of all men the most miserable and pitable" (I Cor. 15: 14,18-19).
But the fact is, Paul says, "Christ is risen from the dead and has become the firstfruits" of those who have died believing in this Hope of Resurrection. This is our hope, all who have placed their trust "in Christ" shall be made to live again (I Cor. 15:22). Behold, I tell you a mystery: We shall not all sleep (die), but we shall all be changed (transformed)—in a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trumpet. For the trumpet will sound, and the dead will be raised incorruptible, and we shall be changed. For this corruptible must put on incorruption, and this mortal must put on immortality. So when this corruptible has put on incorruption, and this mortal has put on immortality, then shall be brought to pass the saying that is written: “Death is swallowed up in victory" (I Cor. 15: 51-54).
Tuesday, March 9, 2010
Is There A God?

Sunday, February 21, 2010

Read it slowly, frequently, prayerfully. It is a mine of wealth, a paradise of glory, and a river of pleasure. It is given you in life, will be opened at the Judgment, and be remembered forever. It involves the highest responsibility, will reward faithful labor, and condemn all who trifle with its sacred contents.
Friday, February 12, 2010

All of us think we know what love is. We all desire it. We long and search of it. Our songs sing about it. “Is this love that I'm feeling? Is this love that I've been searching for? Is this love or am I dreaming?” Another song says, “I want to know what love is. I want you to show me. I want to feel what love is.”
Where can we find the meaning of true love? The answer is found in the Scriptures....
The writer of First John states what real love is - It's “God!" (I John 4:8) He doesn't stop there, but gives his readers an example of Real Love being shown through the sacrificial gift of His Son, “God has sent his only begotten Son!”(I John 4:9,10) In his gospel account, the Apostle John, again, shows us that “God So Loved, He gave His only begotten Son.” (John 3:16) In the Letter to the Romans, Paul proclaims, “God Demonstrated (proved) His Own Love toward us...Christ (sacrificially) died for us.” (Romans 5:8) Jesus said there is “no Greater Love than is this, that someone lays down his own life for his friends.” (John 15: 13) Real love can be seen by giving.
Many people think love is just a feeling, it's more than that. Love is not something you say, but it's something that you do by choice. Love is an action word. Next to Psalm 23, John 3:16 is the most quoted verse in the Bible. It has been called “The Greatest Sentence Ever Written.” It is know as the “Miniature Gospel” The best interpreter of the love of God is His love for man. From this wonderful verse we see God's love in action:
1.) The Vastness of His Love. God “so” loved. How much did God love....He love us soooo much!! The magnitude of his love is beyond describing or comprehension.
2.) The Object of His Love. Who did God love? The “world” - all of mankind.
3.) The Expression of His Love. How did God say I love you? He didn't just say it, but He showed it through the giving of His “Son,” Jesus, on the cross at Calvary.
4.) The Recipients of His Love. Who can receive God's love? John simply states, “Whoever Believes” - Anyone!! To receive God's love (salvation), we must accept it by faith (Eph. 2:8), simply to trust and obey. Scripture says, “But as many as received Him (accepted His sacrificial love), to them He the right to become the children of God, to those who believe ( place their trust) in His name.” (John 1:12)
5.) The Benefit of His Love. All love stories end wth a “happy ever after.” What else can be said? “Whoever believes in Him....(not someday, but now) has Everlasting Life!” How long is everlasting...It's fovever! Romans 8:35-36, 38 - “Can anything separate us from Christ's love? Does it mean He no longer loves us if we have trouble or calamity, or are persecuted, or hungry or cold or in danger or threatened with death? Nothing can ever separate us from His love! Death can't and life can't. The angels can't and the demons can't. Our fears for today, our worries about tomorrow, and even the powers of hell can't keep God's love away!” (NLT)
I Corinthians 13 is one of the famous chapters in all the Scriptures, and is considered by many Christians as their favorite. It has come to be know as the “Love Chapter.” The writer, the apostle Paul, mentions several facts about love. Without love, we are just a loud noise with no meaning. Even if we have all knowledge, understanding, power, faith and even to the point of martyrdom...Without love – We are nothing!! Verses 4 through 7, Paul gives us the behavior of love:
1.) Love is Patient - Suffers long.
2.) Love is Kind.
3.) Love is not Envious nor Jealous.
4.) Love is not Boastful nor Brags - “Does not parade itself.”
5.) Love is not Arrogant nor Conceited – “Puffed up.”
6.) Love is not Rude - “Behave rudely.”
7.) Love is not Selfish - “Does not seek it's own.”
8.) Love is not Irritable or easily Angered – “Is not provoked.”
9.) Love doesn't Keep Record or wrongdoing.
10.) Love is not Sin-Loving - “Does not rejoice in sin.”
11.) Love is Truthful -”Rejoices in the Truth.”
12.) Love Bears all things – Protects and Supports.
13.) Love is Trusting nor Suspicious -”Believes all things.”
14.) Love is Hopeful.
15.) Love is Enduring.
Paul concludes by urging us to pursue (the behavior of) love above all. (I Cor. 14:1)
Conclusion: What is love? Love is an Action. Love is Sacrifice. Love is a Lifestyle and Love is a Choice. Without it, we are nothing!!